Sunday, August 31, 2014

Leftists are about CONTROL

Leftists are about CONTROL.  Ultimately resorting to  FORCE to get people to CONFORM to their Leftist's agenda,  all the while telling US how 'good' their programs and policies are for US!

Theirs' is a 'love it' or else method, and the else  NEVER means more FREEDOM and LIBERTY!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jim Barrow on Bundy Ranch Standoff

Jim Garrow
Monday at 8:09pm
Why Clive Bundy isn't WRONG:

There have been many people criticizing Clive Bundy because he did not pay his grazing fees for 20 years. The public is also probably wondering why so many other cowboys are supporting Mr. Bundy even though they paid their fees and Clive did not. What you people probably do not realize is that on every rancher's grazing permit it says the following: "You are authorized to make grazing use of the lands, under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land ManageJim Garrow
Monday at 8:09pm
Why Clive Bundy isn't WRONG:

There have been many people criticizing Clive Bundy because he did not pay his grazing fees for 20 years. The public is also probably wondering why so many other cowboys are supporting Mr. Bundy even though they paid their fees and Clive did not. What you people probably do not realize is that on every rancher's grazing permit it says the following: "You are authorized to make grazing use of the lands, under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management and covered by this grazing permit, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this grazing permit and payment of grazing fees when due." The "mandatory" terms and conditions go on to list the allotment, the number and kind of livestock to be grazed, when the permit begins and ends, the number of active or suspended AUMs (animal units per month), etc. The terms and conditions also list specific requirements such as where salt or mineral supplements can be located, maximum allowable use of forage levels (40% of annual growth), etc., and include a lot more stringent policies that must be adhered to. Every rancher must sign this "contract" agreeing to abide by the TERMS AND CONDITIONS before he or she can make payment. In the early 90s, the BLM went on a frenzy and drastically cut almost every rancher's permit because of this desert tortoise issue, even though all of us ranchers knew that cow and desert tortoise had co-existed for a hundred+ years. As an example, a family friend had his permit cut by 90%. For those of you who are non ranchers, that would be equated to getting your paycheck cut 90%. In 1976 there were approximately 52 ranching permittees in this area of Nevada. Presently, there are 3. Most of these people lost their livelihoods because of the actions of the BLM. Clive Bundy was one of these people who received extremely unfair and unreasonable TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Keep in mind that Mr. Bundy was required to sign this contract before he was allowed to pay. Had Clive signed on the dotted line, he would have, in essence, signed his very livelihood away. And so Mr. Bundy took a stand, not only for himself, but for all of us. He refused to be destroyed by a tyrannical federal entity and to have his American liberties and freedoms taken away. Also keep in mind that all ranchers financially paid dearly for the forage rights those permits allow - - not rights to the land, but rights to use the forage that grows on that land. Many of these AUMS are water based, meaning that the rancher also has a vested right (state owned, not federal) to the waters that adjoin the lands and allow the livestock to drink. These water rights were also purchased at a great price. If a rancher cannot show beneficial use of the water (he must have the appropriate number of livestock that drinks and uses that water), then he loses that water right. Usually water rights and forage rights go hand in hand. Contrary to what the BLM is telling you, they NEVER compensate a rancher for the AUMs they take away. Most times, they tell ranchers that their AUMS are "suspended," but not removed. Unfortunately, my family has thousands of "suspended" AUMs that will probably never be returned. And so, even though these ranchers throughout the course of a hundred years invested thousands(and perhaps millions) of dollars and sacrificed along the way to obtain these rights through purchase from others, at a whim the government can take everything away with the stroke of a pen. This is the very thing that Clive Bundy singlehandedly took a stand against.

Thank you, Clive, from a rancher who considers you a hero.

Kena Lytle Gloecknerment and covered by this grazing permit, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this grazing permit and payment of grazing fees when due." The "mandatory" terms and conditions go on to list the allotment, the number and kind of livestock to be grazed, when the permit begins and ends, the number of active or suspended AUMs (animal units per month), etc. The terms and conditions also list specific requirements such as where salt or mineral supplements can be located, maximum allowable use of forage levels (40% of annual growth), etc., and include a lot more stringent policies that must be adhered to. Every rancher must sign this "contract" agreeing to abide by the TERMS AND CONDITIONS before he or she can make payment. In the early 90s, the BLM went on a frenzy and drastically cut almost every rancher's permit because of this desert tortoise issue, even though all of us ranchers knew that cow and desert tortoise had co-existed for a hundred+ years. As an example, a family friend had his permit cut by 90%. For those of you who are non ranchers, that would be equated to getting your paycheck cut 90%. In 1976 there were approximately 52 ranching permittees in this area of Nevada. Presently, there are 3. Most of these people lost their livelihoods because of the actions of the BLM. Clive Bundy was one of these people who received extremely unfair and unreasonable TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Keep in mind that Mr. Bundy was required to sign this contract before he was allowed to pay. Had Clive signed on the dotted line, he would have, in essence, signed his very livelihood away. And so Mr. Bundy took a stand, not only for himself, but for all of us. He refused to be destroyed by a tyrannical federal entity and to have his American liberties and freedoms taken away. Also keep in mind that all ranchers financially paid dearly for the forage rights those permits allow - - not rights to the land, but rights to use the forage that grows on that land. Many of these AUMS are water based, meaning that the rancher also has a vested right (state owned, not federal) to the waters that adjoin the lands and allow the livestock to drink. These water rights were also purchased at a great price. If a rancher cannot show beneficial use of the water (he must have the appropriate number of livestock that drinks and uses that water), then he loses that water right. Usually water rights and forage rights go hand in hand. Contrary to what the BLM is telling you, they NEVER compensate a rancher for the AUMs they take away. Most times, they tell ranchers that their AUMS are "suspended," but not removed. Unfortunately, my family has thousands of "suspended" AUMs that will probably never be returned. And so, even though these ranchers throughout the course of a hundred years invested thousands(and perhaps millions) of dollars and sacrificed along the way to obtain these rights through purchase from others, at a whim the government can take everything away with the stroke of a pen. This is the very thing that Clive Bundy singlehandedly took a stand against.

Thank you, Clive, from a rancher who considers you a hero.

Kena Lytle Gloeckner

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Comment on Bundy Standoff

If you think that the optics of this isn't very very bad for Obama Administration you're wrong! The people came in greater numbers than the Federal Government and they came with GUNS!

Think about this: Obama has sent more fire power to the rescue of the Desert Tortise than Obama sent to help the Benghazi Four who ended up being massacred!

The one killing the Desert Tortoise is the BLM!

Comment on the Bundy Standoff

Obama is at war with America and that means US. Those of US who refuse to be 'fundamentally transformed' into his Leftist Soviet Style Central Authoritarian State!

Obama will do as ALL Leftist Socialists Thugs do to those 'flat earthers' who just can't see the GLORY in his EXCELLENCY! 


The 20 th Century is replete with the MURDERS of 150 million PEOPLE at their hands to prove it!

And every time it starts just like this!  Obama was prepared to Murder Bundy and His Family if NECESSARY! For the 'Greater Good' of course.

If anyone doubts me, then tell me why the snipers?

Comment on the Bundy Ranch Standoff

I agree with ALL you said! I'm afraid the Generation which is coming now and put Obama and his Thugs in Power TWICE are products, robots really, of the Leftists Ideology that has pervaded the public school system, primary and secondary, for the last 30 year's!  I've seen the creepy crawly Leftist do this incrementally!   The Democrats and Progressive Republicans  have perpetrated this fraud on these poor kids and now they don't know that their FREEDOM and LIBERTY has been eroded and as they chant at Leftists rallies, YES WE CAN, and IT TAKES A VILLAGE they vote away their own INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS! Unless that ever turns around, and I don't expect it now in my lifetime, the COUNTRY IS LOST TO THE LEFTISTS TOTALITARIAN TYRANTS LIKE OBAMA!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Minimum Wage Means Fewer Wages

Any publication with the name "progess" or "progressive" in it is Leftists oriented. If you are a Capitalist Free-market thinker and NOT simply a "Useful Idiot" of Leftists Socialists thinking, one would realize that when wages and prices are fixed by some Central Government Dictate that it only creates scarcity. In the case of fixed wages, fewer employed! Nixon proved that in the 70's with his Wage and Price Controls, which only resulted in higher unemployment and shortages of goods. Some of US remember those mistakes of the past!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Leftist's Media Defends Obama's Ineptitude!

The Mainstream Media is in full protect Obama mode. Instead of covering Obama's inept reponse to Putin's aggression, they cover the Malaysian plane wall to wall and NOT reporting anything but speculation! The scant coverage the MSM gives Putin vs. Obama they defend Obama's ineptitude by claiming there isn't much Obama can do. Or, they try to defend Obama by comparing his response to George Bush's reaction to Putin invading Georgia. But they NEVER tell US that Bush sent FORCE which STOPPED Putin! The former President of Georgia:  "One thing should be known. In Georgia in 2008 after the reaction was quite late, Putin was stopped at the entrance of our capital by a huge unit who showed, but the international community outcry. George Bush sent four fleets. The initial planes were put on alert prepared for no fly zone over Georgia and that's what stopped Putin....."

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Obama the Do Nothing Foreign Relations President!

What's wrong with this picture?

1) Obama comes into office as Pro Westerner Freedom Lover's stage an uprising against the Mullahs in Iran.  Obama ignores them and allows the Mullahs to crush them. Obama does NOTHING.

2) Obama leaves Iraq and doesn't fight to leave a single American troop! Iraq unravels as AlQueada takes control. Obama does NOTHING!

3) Obama will leave Afghanistan at the end of 2014, the Taliban is set to take it back over. Obama does NOTHING!

4) Obama is insisting that  Israel return to 1967 borders and to allow Palestinians to claim Jerusalem as their Capital. And the Palestinians continue to reign down rockets. Obama does NOTHING.

5) Obama leads from behind in Libya allowing that Country to fall to AlQueada. Then AlQueada takes over. Obama does NOTHING.

6) Egyptian uprisings and Obama allows the Muslim Brotherhood to torment the people until they revolt again. And then does Obama does NOTHING!.

7) Four Americans, including our Ambassador, are massacred in Benghazi Libya and a year and a half later NO ONE is punished! Obama does NOTHING!

8) Obama sets his infamous 'Red Line' in Syria on chemical weapons use, then does NOTHING. Instead hiding behind Putin to broker a deal for Syria to depose of their chemical weapons. To date they haven't and doesn't look like Assad is planning to. Obama does NOTHING.

9) Obama has eased sanctions on Iran to the point they claim to now be able have a nuclear weapon in 6 months. Obama does NOTHING!

10) Freedom Lovers in Ukraine lead a revolt against their pro Putin President. Obama does NOTHING to help them. Then Obama warns Putin NOT to intervene in Ukraine and when Putin takes Cimea Obama does NOTHING! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Ok, after years of observing and studying our President Barrack Obama I've come to the conclusion that OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

Here's how I've come to this conclusion:
We know that Obama's Father was a Communist in Kenya, FACT. We know his Mother and her Parents were avid Communists, FACT. We know that Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's adolescent mentor, was a Communist, FACT. We know that Obama once belonged to the New Party a Communist aligned group, FACT. We know that some of Obama's closest friends and advisors as adults are Communists those include the Weatherman Terrorist Bill Ayers and wife Bernadette Dorn, David Axelrod, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, FACT. We know that Obama aligns his policies with hard Socialist ideology, OBSERVATION. We know Obama tends to be lenient on hardline Muslim Leaders in Countries who are like Communist Despots, ie. Mulahs and Iran, Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood, Assad and Syria,  OBSERVATION. We know NOW that Obama isn't just living in a 'fantasy world' as the Washington Post proclaims, he is too smart be that naive or stupid, FACT. So when it comes to PUTIN, Obama rolls over for him time and again and looks like Putin's Chump can only mean one thing: OBAMA COMPLIES WITH PUTIN BECAUSE OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Should the Climate Be?

Show me the One who can tell me what the Climate 'Should Be' and I'll show you the FACE OF GOD! Because that's the only One who knows! So Leftists STOP pretending that YOU know!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Obama is a repressive Dictatorial Tyrant!

Obama is a repressive Dictatorial Tyrant. Over the last weeks he has ordered Homeland Security to collect licence plates of every car in America and "Track" our coming and goings. Obama ordered the FCC to put "Government Monitors" in Newsrooms of TV, Radio and Newspapers to ascertain if any "BIAS" is used in their News Collecting. Obama has ordered the IRS to use the very rules the IRS admitted was wrong last year I'm targeting the Tea Parties. Obama has ordered 100's of millions of rounds of ammo for Homeland Security, Dept.  If you aren't afraid, you'd be a FOOL!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Democrats Are the Problem!

I'm 60 years old now. And I became politically aware in my teens when the 60's were raging. Civil Rights Strife and the Vietnam War and the Welfare Dependency of the 'Great Society'! All these issues were DEMOCRATS messing in the World! (DEMOCRATS by far opposed the Civil Rights Act which created the strife, Started and escalated the Vietnam War and Yes Created the Welfare State and destroyed the Black Family and a whole bunch of White Families too!)  And then along came Nixon! A Republican yes, BUT a Big Government Progressive for sure, along came such big Government expansion as the EPA and Price and Wage controls from Washington all sealed by a  DEMOCRAT Senate and House! And then God Help US along came Jimmy Carter a DEMOCRAT and the Oil Embargo with gas zooming from 50 cents a gallon to over a $1 a gallon overnight, if you could get gas, and then the  55 mile an hour speed National Speed limit because every DEMOCRAT told US that the Worlds oil supply was less than 25 years and we MUST change our living standard to survive!  (Sound familiar) and double digit inflation, that means it was like 14 % increase in prices annually,  but it seemed more like daily! All the while our sorry ass economy was drowning with 14% interest rates! And with Jimmy's and the DEMOCRATS sorry ass whimpyness, the Jihadist Muslims in Iran felt emboldened to take Our Embassy and hold Americans Hostage to add to the malaise of the horrible 70's thank you DEMOCRATS! But not to worry the Cowboy Ronald Reagan rode in rescued the Hostages, fixed the stagnant economy and scared the shit out of the Soviets to the point they tore down the Berlin Wall and eventually collapsed. This and so much more despite having a DEMOCRAT Senate and House. Reagan was the First Libertarian President who believed in Free markets, low taxes, small Government,  Individual Rights and Economic Liberty!  Oh how I wished he had had a Republican Congress! And along came Bush 41 another RINO whose lips that we suckers believed when they lied "No New Taxes"! And his DEMOCRAT Senate and House were ALL too happy to oblige! That sort of sums up those years! Then along came Clinton and the ERA of 'Big Government is Over' and  "The end to Welfare as we know it" but ONLY because of Newt Gringrich and the REPUBLICAN takeover of the House for the first time in modern history. Clinton and his Lewisinski's kept US in stitches!  I'm still laughing at that buffoon! And then along came W., 911, and a the big bad World was on our frontporch. Well what to do but Kick some Jihadie butt! And for the 1st time in my lifetime we had a REPUBLICAN President Senate and House, good days are on the way,  WRONG! Those pretend REPUBLICANS out  spent those rascally DEMOCRATS and set US up for the Obama and the DEMOCRAT Nightmare we have NOW! It looks more like DEMOCRATS are responsible to me! But that only covers 50 of the last 100 year's run far more by DEMOCRATS than REPUBLICANS!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why even have a "debt limit"?

Hell raise the debt limit to infinity. What difference does it make? At the $17.2 soon to be $20 trillion debt the annual interest is only $330 billion of the $2.2 trillion in total annual tax revenue! Hey NO big deal! But wait for it! When interest rates head up to 8% to 10% which has been the prevailing rates for most of the last half of the 20th Century! The interest on the debt will be $2 trillion the entire annual tax revenue !!!!!! How's that going to work? Hope you Obama SUCKERS love paying TAXES cause the Government will take ALL you make to pay me to sit around on my fat ass collecting Social Security and Medicare! Thanks SUCKERS!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Immigrantion, Yes and No!

I'm torn about the immigration reforms that are being pushed so hard by Democrats these days. I know there are reforms needed like the Visa system; why educate brilliant kids here, only to send them home afterwards when many times they want to stay? That's a brain drain we can't afford. Many of our high tech companies just can't find enough well educated motviated American kids to fill their needs! That's the Democrats control over education for the last 50 years for you! And I can list many other problems that MUST be fixed.  I want as many people as we can here working and PAYING into the System! But herein lies the rub.

Amnesty with Citizenship will likely make millions and millions of new Democrat voters who will undoubtedly expand the welfare state to these new immigrants and defeat ANY net gain!
One solution would be to have reforms, ie. let the people here be able stay and to work, but CAN'T vote for 25 years! I'd like to see if Democrats would still support amnesty if voting was off the table? I doubt it!

Well why not let's just encourage our current Citizens to just have more babies you ask?
Because you'd be asking Grandmas to be having babies. Our population is aging and we'll NEED new blood to fuel a boom. BUT the Country will decline even more rapidly than it is if the expansion is in TAKERS and NOT PRODUCERS!  We need immigrantion. We just need People who give shit about making something of themselves and then VOTING in politicians who will LET them keep what they produce instead of creating more Dependency!

Very soon it will STOP being mine and your concern, but rather our Kids generation. Problem is the majority of them seem unconcerned about much in the way of Freedom and Economic Liberty, ie they vote overwhelmingly Democrat and for Demogaues like Obama! And so will most of the new comers I'm afraid. So enjoy what's left of the Country we knew and loved, and say hello to a brave new world of "low expectations" and "contentment in poverty" which is what the Leftists do to EVERY Country throughout the history of their existence!  Now I'm really depressed, thanks a lot Brother! :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Believe Nothing Obama Says!

Obama is a pathological LIAR. Therefore whatever he tells US in Tuesday Night's State of the Union will probably be a LIE. It just isn't his fault! He can't help it! Having an uncontrollable compulsion to LIE is a sickness! We should feel sorry for him, say a prayer for US, and ignore ANYTHING Obama says!!!

I've concluded that his sickness is the reason his handlers say he MUST use a teleprompter.  Without it he'll say something totally fabricated and untrue that will have to be 'handled' after the fact. I really do feel sorry for him. He lives in a reality in his own mind. And I've seen this behavior and experienced people who have this affliction firsthand!  You MUST be on guard or you'll certainly become a victim of their LIES!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Climate Control is all about 'control'!

Climate Control is all about 'control'! .....anything and everything we do can be said to contribute to our 'carbon footprint' ie. How much do you drive annually? How many cars do you own? Do you have motorized equipment? Does your business maintain it's 'fair share' of a carbon footprint? (Whatever that is depends on who is in power)  Do you have a fireplace? Do you do 'excessive' camping? How many kids do you have? Oh 3 well then  your Family's carbon footprint is just too greedy!

Leftist's Totalitarians like Obama believe their superiority is 'righteous' and that whatever they say is best for US! And in their minds people who resist their 'benevolent rule' is well just greedy, racist, don't believe we are all in this together, anti-social extremists, rugged individualists  who are 'out of the mainstream' and are dangerous!  20Th Century history is replete with millions and millions of dead individuals as proof of  the Left's righteousness!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Global Warming or Global Control?

Ok tell me if I have this right. 40 years ago Jimmy Carter and the Democrats told US that we needed to conserve energy because the world's oil supply was only 25 years from depletion. We turned down the thermostats and put on sweaters in the winter, and in summers, we opened windows instead of running the AC. And all the while those Leftists cried that burning fossil fuels created a layer of pollution that blocked the Sun and was causing the next ice age! But then more and more  oil was discovered. First up in Alaska's North Slope, and against their warnings of environmental disaster the Alaska Pipeline was built! Then offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. And now with 'fracking' we have estimates of 250 years of oil! And all this was done despite the  opposition from Democrats and Leftists! And since the earth warmed instead of cooled, with an increase in the average  temperature of 3/4 of a degree in a decade, these same Leftists started screaming Global Warming will destroy the earth if we don't listen to them and institute a global carbon tax and stop using fossil fuels. They cried the Polar Caps were melting and the sea levels were going to rise and swallow up the coastlines and kill off the Polar Bears! Yet the Polar caps have increased to the point where 'Global Warming' Researchers had to be recused from being  stuck in  the extreme  ice flows in the Antarctic in the Summer! And now these same wackos are telling US all this extreme cold being pulled from the poles by the 'Polar Vortex' and freezing our asses off in caused by Global Warming and we MUST stop using fossil fuels and institute a global carbon tax to reduce the CO2 a 'Greenhouse Gas' use, never mind that we humams breathe out CO2 and that plants and trees breathe in CO2. And in the face of such obvious bullshit logic, Obama signs an Executive Order to 'FORCE' our compliance in the face of total irrational explanations!  America is done!  We are NO longer a Free People Governed by Leaders who value the Founding of America as a Country of Freedom Loving People with Individual Rights, but a Country   of People who are simply herds of disarmed SLAVES! Thanks you Obama Voters! Obama and the Leftists are ALL about CONTROL of you! Keep VOTING Democrat and you will insure your ENSLAVEMENT forever!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thanks Obama Voters!

Well the good news is my Health Insurance WAS Grandfathered in.  The BAD news my monthly premium jumped $110 dollars, 30% in one year! Thanks again all you Obama VOTERS! Thanks for the maternity care and contraceptive benefits I'll be really putting that to good USE!....Suckers!