Saturday, January 25, 2014

Believe Nothing Obama Says!

Obama is a pathological LIAR. Therefore whatever he tells US in Tuesday Night's State of the Union will probably be a LIE. It just isn't his fault! He can't help it! Having an uncontrollable compulsion to LIE is a sickness! We should feel sorry for him, say a prayer for US, and ignore ANYTHING Obama says!!!

I've concluded that his sickness is the reason his handlers say he MUST use a teleprompter.  Without it he'll say something totally fabricated and untrue that will have to be 'handled' after the fact. I really do feel sorry for him. He lives in a reality in his own mind. And I've seen this behavior and experienced people who have this affliction firsthand!  You MUST be on guard or you'll certainly become a victim of their LIES!

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