Sunday, February 9, 2014

Immigrantion, Yes and No!

I'm torn about the immigration reforms that are being pushed so hard by Democrats these days. I know there are reforms needed like the Visa system; why educate brilliant kids here, only to send them home afterwards when many times they want to stay? That's a brain drain we can't afford. Many of our high tech companies just can't find enough well educated motviated American kids to fill their needs! That's the Democrats control over education for the last 50 years for you! And I can list many other problems that MUST be fixed.  I want as many people as we can here working and PAYING into the System! But herein lies the rub.

Amnesty with Citizenship will likely make millions and millions of new Democrat voters who will undoubtedly expand the welfare state to these new immigrants and defeat ANY net gain!
One solution would be to have reforms, ie. let the people here be able stay and to work, but CAN'T vote for 25 years! I'd like to see if Democrats would still support amnesty if voting was off the table? I doubt it!

Well why not let's just encourage our current Citizens to just have more babies you ask?
Because you'd be asking Grandmas to be having babies. Our population is aging and we'll NEED new blood to fuel a boom. BUT the Country will decline even more rapidly than it is if the expansion is in TAKERS and NOT PRODUCERS!  We need immigrantion. We just need People who give shit about making something of themselves and then VOTING in politicians who will LET them keep what they produce instead of creating more Dependency!

Very soon it will STOP being mine and your concern, but rather our Kids generation. Problem is the majority of them seem unconcerned about much in the way of Freedom and Economic Liberty, ie they vote overwhelmingly Democrat and for Demogaues like Obama! And so will most of the new comers I'm afraid. So enjoy what's left of the Country we knew and loved, and say hello to a brave new world of "low expectations" and "contentment in poverty" which is what the Leftists do to EVERY Country throughout the history of their existence!  Now I'm really depressed, thanks a lot Brother! :)

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