Sunday, March 23, 2014

Leftist's Media Defends Obama's Ineptitude!

The Mainstream Media is in full protect Obama mode. Instead of covering Obama's inept reponse to Putin's aggression, they cover the Malaysian plane wall to wall and NOT reporting anything but speculation! The scant coverage the MSM gives Putin vs. Obama they defend Obama's ineptitude by claiming there isn't much Obama can do. Or, they try to defend Obama by comparing his response to George Bush's reaction to Putin invading Georgia. But they NEVER tell US that Bush sent FORCE which STOPPED Putin! The former President of Georgia:  "One thing should be known. In Georgia in 2008 after the reaction was quite late, Putin was stopped at the entrance of our capital by a huge unit who showed, but the international community outcry. George Bush sent four fleets. The initial planes were put on alert prepared for no fly zone over Georgia and that's what stopped Putin....."

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