Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Ok, after years of observing and studying our President Barrack Obama I've come to the conclusion that OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

Here's how I've come to this conclusion:
We know that Obama's Father was a Communist in Kenya, FACT. We know his Mother and her Parents were avid Communists, FACT. We know that Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's adolescent mentor, was a Communist, FACT. We know that Obama once belonged to the New Party a Communist aligned group, FACT. We know that some of Obama's closest friends and advisors as adults are Communists those include the Weatherman Terrorist Bill Ayers and wife Bernadette Dorn, David Axelrod, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, FACT. We know that Obama aligns his policies with hard Socialist ideology, OBSERVATION. We know Obama tends to be lenient on hardline Muslim Leaders in Countries who are like Communist Despots, ie. Mulahs and Iran, Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood, Assad and Syria,  OBSERVATION. We know NOW that Obama isn't just living in a 'fantasy world' as the Washington Post proclaims, he is too smart be that naive or stupid, FACT. So when it comes to PUTIN, Obama rolls over for him time and again and looks like Putin's Chump can only mean one thing: OBAMA COMPLIES WITH PUTIN BECAUSE OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

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