Saturday, April 12, 2014

Comment on the Bundy Ranch Standoff

I agree with ALL you said! I'm afraid the Generation which is coming now and put Obama and his Thugs in Power TWICE are products, robots really, of the Leftists Ideology that has pervaded the public school system, primary and secondary, for the last 30 year's!  I've seen the creepy crawly Leftist do this incrementally!   The Democrats and Progressive Republicans  have perpetrated this fraud on these poor kids and now they don't know that their FREEDOM and LIBERTY has been eroded and as they chant at Leftists rallies, YES WE CAN, and IT TAKES A VILLAGE they vote away their own INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS! Unless that ever turns around, and I don't expect it now in my lifetime, the COUNTRY IS LOST TO THE LEFTISTS TOTALITARIAN TYRANTS LIKE OBAMA!

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