Friday, February 11, 2011

This is Americanism! A response to my Niece Kira....


Hi. Well, where to begin? First let me say again, your idealism is inspiring. And I don't mean that in a condescending way. I have enormous respect for you and admire your academic achievements!

That said, you simply missed the point of my fundamental argument. I know very well about Enlightenment thought, and its influence on the founders, especially Thomas Jefferson. My example of 'Freedom of Religion and The Rule of Law' was used simply as a parallelism to draw a comparison to'Islam and Sharia Law.' It's just a grammatical technique, in this case to make a distinction between opposites for effect. I don’t think you got that. No matter, I'm probably not a skilled enough writer to have made that work. Sorry.

In your critique you seized on that one point (Freedom of Religion) and unfortunately missed the essence of my argument, Individual Rights. I certainly know our Declaration of Independence, and later the Constitution, embodies concepts beyond the 'Freedom of Religion.'

The essence of our great country is embodied in the concept of 'Natural Rights of Man.' A belief that is drawn from many thinkers down through the millennium. Socrates exemplified the essence of the 'Natural Rights of Man' by his actions.

"A man has a right to his own life." And all that that encompasses, which is EXTENSIVE. The least of which is Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. And further,these rights are INALIENABLE. They are rights a man has as a result of his EXISTENCE. Rights that aren't"given", nor can be "taken away." This is crucial to an understanding of Americanism.  I'm afraid you missed that totally. And I quote from your critique to prove it, "As far as U.S. history is concerned, freedom of religion wasn't really GRANTED until the Bill of Rights in 1791."  

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) don't GRANT anything!!! These documents are proclamations, First to a King and then to a Central Federal Government. That these Rights of Man exists superior to any authority, and are bestowed to Man by his existence. Read that as 'Their Creator' if you have that inclination. I do, because in that way NO EARTHLY AUTHORITY can give these rights, or more importantly, take them away!!!! 

This is Americanism; and it doesn't exist anywhere else in the World, No where, and certainly not in the Muslim world.

I have much more to say, but I will let this stand for now. I do enjoy the debate! When one lives alone intellectual stimulation is a welcomed thing, Thanks.


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