Thursday, February 10, 2011

A response to my Niece Kira....

Kira, I appreciate your idealism, I do.
But with all do respect, there is absolutely
no comparison to be made with American
independence and the Egyptian revolution.
The cornerstone of our founding is the Freedom of
 Religion and the Rule of Law; Not Islam and Sharia Law!
The movement across the Middle East (I dare say Western
 Europe too) is totally antithetical to our unqiue founding
based on Individual Rights. Our founders believed that  our
Inalienable Rights belong to us individually and are bestowed
on us as a result of our existence, (eg. From our Creator), and
not the State. Sharia Law says that you (hence your life)
belongs to Ali, (ie. any authoritarian who claims to speak
for Ali). Therfore, there is no problem with a husband "honor
killing" his wife or daughter. Afterall, she (her life) belongs to Ali,
and it's his duty to make amends to Ali for any transgression she
commits, since she is his chattel.  Please prove me wrong,
I wish you could.

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