Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day America! Hope you got chocolate with the F###ing Obama just gave US!! Wake Up America!!!

Obama's budget has a 1.6 Trillion dollar DEFICIT! 
again, for the third year in a row.  That is 3 times the
highest deficit George Bush ever had; And the Liberals
screamed  Bloody murder then! Where are you  Liberals
NOW???  Obama has racked up 5 Trillion in debt in
Three Years! That is over half of the TOTAL debt the US
racked up in 222 Years! All the while he has the balls to
tell us that he is cutting the deficit? This guy is more a
Svengali than Svengali. A bold face LIAR is more accurate.
Wake Up America!!! This President is ruining us!!!! 

PS. Happy Valentines Day! Hope you got some chocolate
       with that f###ing America!

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