Friday, February 11, 2011

Ok, To my friends who think I come across to harsh. Here is the lighter side of me, sort of:

No Immunity For Lovers
By Joe Schwarz

We deserve the hurt we get,
 By spewing words like serpent spit,
Wielding swords of clever wit,
Hurting more with every hit.

We deserve the pain inside,
Bloody gashes deep as wide,
Nobler hearts will reason why,
Sacred Love has to die.

We deserve to be alone,
 With broken-hearts cold as stone,
Left to wallow and bemoan,
 When a lying Lovers’ Love is shown.

We deserve our tears of sorrow,
Of Love’s lost dreams of tomorrow
Dare we ask again to borrow,
 A newly sharpened Cupid’s arrow?

Do we deserve another chance,
To dance Love’s infernal dance?
A devilish smile, a seductive glance,
 I fall into my Lover’s trance!

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