Thursday, February 17, 2011

WMD in Iraq was a lie.....

Well there you go. Bush and every other leader of the Western World
was hoodwinked about WMD in Iraq by a LIAR. We should have
water-boarded him to see if he was telling the truth in the first place.
Is there an empty cell at Gitmo?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Atlas Shrugged is a new movie!

Ayn Rand's (Our Patron Saint of Capitalism) book is now a new movie! An age old struggle between The Good and The Evil. (Between the Capitalists and the Socialists). The ending is being written still to this day, which side will YOU choose???

Are you a John Galt?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ok, I admit I must be Islamophobic...

Ok, I admit I must be Islamophobic. As a Libertarian, the
Jihadist Muslims scare the bejesus out of me. (pun intended),
but this is how the so-called 'Moderate Muslims' of Egypt think:

48% say Islam plays a large role in their country's political life
85% consider Islamic influence over political life to be a positive thing for their    country
61% see no struggle between those who want to modernize their country and Islamic fundamentalists
54% support making gender segregation in the workplace the law in their country
82% endorse the stoning of people who commit adultery
(Meaning Women?)

77% support whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery
84% support the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion

My Liberal friends, that doesn't scare you, but Sarah Palin does?

Pew research poll Spring 2010. Check out the entire poll @

Happy Valentine's Day America! Hope you got chocolate with the F###ing Obama just gave US!! Wake Up America!!!

Obama's budget has a 1.6 Trillion dollar DEFICIT! 
again, for the third year in a row.  That is 3 times the
highest deficit George Bush ever had; And the Liberals
screamed  Bloody murder then! Where are you  Liberals
NOW???  Obama has racked up 5 Trillion in debt in
Three Years! That is over half of the TOTAL debt the US
racked up in 222 Years! All the while he has the balls to
tell us that he is cutting the deficit? This guy is more a
Svengali than Svengali. A bold face LIAR is more accurate.
Wake Up America!!! This President is ruining us!!!! 

PS. Happy Valentines Day! Hope you got some chocolate
       with that f###ing America!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egyptian revolution supporters, George Bush is your man!!

Ok all you revolution supporters, Mubarak is out
(forget there was a constitution). The Army has taken
over. And the Muslims fanatics are lurking in the Shadows.
I give the Army 24 hours before they clear the square,
purge the media, and return the country to what, oh,
a military dictatorship! If you really support a chance for
democracy for the Eqyptians, GEORGE BUSH is your man.
He and the US Military purged a brutal dictator and gave a true
chance of democracy for the people of Iraq. They purged the brutal
Taliban regime from Afghanistan and is bringing those Muslims
kicking and stabbing to democracy. Oh, sorry you leftists weren't
in favor of democracy for those Muslims!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

This is Americanism! A response to my Niece Kira....


Hi. Well, where to begin? First let me say again, your idealism is inspiring. And I don't mean that in a condescending way. I have enormous respect for you and admire your academic achievements!

That said, you simply missed the point of my fundamental argument. I know very well about Enlightenment thought, and its influence on the founders, especially Thomas Jefferson. My example of 'Freedom of Religion and The Rule of Law' was used simply as a parallelism to draw a comparison to'Islam and Sharia Law.' It's just a grammatical technique, in this case to make a distinction between opposites for effect. I don’t think you got that. No matter, I'm probably not a skilled enough writer to have made that work. Sorry.

In your critique you seized on that one point (Freedom of Religion) and unfortunately missed the essence of my argument, Individual Rights. I certainly know our Declaration of Independence, and later the Constitution, embodies concepts beyond the 'Freedom of Religion.'

The essence of our great country is embodied in the concept of 'Natural Rights of Man.' A belief that is drawn from many thinkers down through the millennium. Socrates exemplified the essence of the 'Natural Rights of Man' by his actions.

"A man has a right to his own life." And all that that encompasses, which is EXTENSIVE. The least of which is Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. And further,these rights are INALIENABLE. They are rights a man has as a result of his EXISTENCE. Rights that aren't"given", nor can be "taken away." This is crucial to an understanding of Americanism.  I'm afraid you missed that totally. And I quote from your critique to prove it, "As far as U.S. history is concerned, freedom of religion wasn't really GRANTED until the Bill of Rights in 1791."  

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) don't GRANT anything!!! These documents are proclamations, First to a King and then to a Central Federal Government. That these Rights of Man exists superior to any authority, and are bestowed to Man by his existence. Read that as 'Their Creator' if you have that inclination. I do, because in that way NO EARTHLY AUTHORITY can give these rights, or more importantly, take them away!!!! 

This is Americanism; and it doesn't exist anywhere else in the World, No where, and certainly not in the Muslim world.

I have much more to say, but I will let this stand for now. I do enjoy the debate! When one lives alone intellectual stimulation is a welcomed thing, Thanks.


Ok, To my friends who think I come across to harsh. Here is the lighter side of me, sort of:

No Immunity For Lovers
By Joe Schwarz

We deserve the hurt we get,
 By spewing words like serpent spit,
Wielding swords of clever wit,
Hurting more with every hit.

We deserve the pain inside,
Bloody gashes deep as wide,
Nobler hearts will reason why,
Sacred Love has to die.

We deserve to be alone,
 With broken-hearts cold as stone,
Left to wallow and bemoan,
 When a lying Lovers’ Love is shown.

We deserve our tears of sorrow,
Of Love’s lost dreams of tomorrow
Dare we ask again to borrow,
 A newly sharpened Cupid’s arrow?

Do we deserve another chance,
To dance Love’s infernal dance?
A devilish smile, a seductive glance,
 I fall into my Lover’s trance!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A response to my Niece Kira....

Kira, I appreciate your idealism, I do.
But with all do respect, there is absolutely
no comparison to be made with American
independence and the Egyptian revolution.
The cornerstone of our founding is the Freedom of
 Religion and the Rule of Law; Not Islam and Sharia Law!
The movement across the Middle East (I dare say Western
 Europe too) is totally antithetical to our unqiue founding
based on Individual Rights. Our founders believed that  our
Inalienable Rights belong to us individually and are bestowed
on us as a result of our existence, (eg. From our Creator), and
not the State. Sharia Law says that you (hence your life)
belongs to Ali, (ie. any authoritarian who claims to speak
for Ali). Therfore, there is no problem with a husband "honor
killing" his wife or daughter. Afterall, she (her life) belongs to Ali,
and it's his duty to make amends to Ali for any transgression she
commits, since she is his chattel.  Please prove me wrong,
I wish you could.

Who knew?????

Who knew it would be so easy for a few
hundred-thousand protesters to throw
out a Tyrant!!! Hello Tea Party are you
paying attention???

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Obama and the Leftist Liberals have hijacked...

Obama and the Leftist Liberals have hijacked nearly every segment of the
American free enterprise system. And we let the Bastards do it. Wake up America!

Obama Care - A gov. take-over of the health insurance and the medical industry

Financial Bill - A gov. take-over of the banks and wall street

FCC's Net Neutrality - A gov. take-over of the internet

EPA's Green House Gas (CO2) - A gov. take-over of energy producers

FDA's Food Safety Bill (S510) - A gov. take-over of food production

Bailout of GM  Chrysler  -  take over by unions and gov.  

 Prove me wrong. I wish you could.

Wake Up America!!!!

Wake up America!!!!! The New York Stock Exchange is heading to Germany!!!
We Capitalists are fleeing the Socialist choke-hold of Obama and the Leftist
Liberals!!!! How's that HOPE and CHANGE looking to you NOW?????????????

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I can only dream...

I wonder how the media would treat a band of Tea Party
Protesters on the Mall chanting "OBAMA MUST GO"?
If a few thousand Egyptians can speak for 80 million
people..., (Oh, I can only dream!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

An appeal to my First Amendment loving Liberal Friends:

To all my Leftist Liberal friends ( know who you are) who profess to embrace and defend the 1st Amendment:  This is your chance to prove you believe in  FREE SPEECH by signing the petition against Youtube for censorsing's undercover Planned Parenthood videos. Come on now, if Free Speech is sacrosanct, and it is, then you should sign the petition  protesting Youtube's censorship policy!!


Ok now, Obama has again commanded....

Ok now, Obama has again commanded the violence to STOP! So you rascally Muslims need to listen up!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Veritus -- Government is the agency of force. Compulsion is its nature.

Government is the agency of force. Compulsion is its nature. The notion of a benevolent government is as ludicrous as the notion of a friendly scorpion; It is its nature to sting you. Therefore, cautiously handled with respect to its nature, a scorpion’s threat to man’s life is limited, the same holds for government.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WTF is going on in Egypt?

WTF is going on in Egypt? Didn't Obama command the violence to STOP!
The Messiah spoke, and the Muslims aren't listening. (Oops, did I say Messiah?)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Veritus -- Tyranny is...

Tyranny is freedom’s evil twin.

Veritus -- Tyrants and Liberty

Let a tyrant try to deny a man his freedom, and sooner or later, one or the other, will be staring at the wrong end of a gun.

Veritus -- Limited Government

Limited government protects us from either extreme: anarchy or tyranny.

To My Leftist Liberal Friends

Will any of my Leftist Liberal friends (and you know who you are) please, please explain why the Left despised and disparaged the Tea Party protesters at Town Hall meetings, yet give praise and props to the Muslim Brotherhood rioters in Egypt. Is Liberalism really so schizoid?                      
                                                                                                                  - Veritus