Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Am John Galt

My Fellow Citizens,

If you believed as I believed what it means to be an American is to be a self-sufficent, self directed, individual who is the master of your own life then your beliefs are WRONG!

America today is a Country mostly of TAKERS and fewer and fewer PRODUCERS!

If you are a PRODUCER, YOU ARE the SUCKER!

Continue to Play that game if you want to be a SUCKER! Work hard and pay ever increasing TAXES and HIGHER COSTS due to Government Programs and Regulations, but YOU ARE A FOOL!

As Ayn Rand eloquently wrote, "The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a SLAVE!"

I choose NOT to be a SLAVE!
Therefore, I am taking a different PATH now for the rest of my LIFE!

Anyone who has read Ayn Rand knows the meaning and significance of what I'm about to say,


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