Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Am John Galt

My Fellow Citizens,

If you believed as I believed what it means to be an American is to be a self-sufficent, self directed, individual who is the master of your own life then your beliefs are WRONG!

America today is a Country mostly of TAKERS and fewer and fewer PRODUCERS!

If you are a PRODUCER, YOU ARE the SUCKER!

Continue to Play that game if you want to be a SUCKER! Work hard and pay ever increasing TAXES and HIGHER COSTS due to Government Programs and Regulations, but YOU ARE A FOOL!

As Ayn Rand eloquently wrote, "The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a SLAVE!"

I choose NOT to be a SLAVE!
Therefore, I am taking a different PATH now for the rest of my LIFE!

Anyone who has read Ayn Rand knows the meaning and significance of what I'm about to say,


Monday, June 15, 2015

I'm having a serious idenity crisis!

I'm having a serious Identity crisis!
I've come to the realization here in 2015 that I'm really a man, struggling  to be a man, who is  trapped in a man's body!
The man struggling to be a man believes he's Irish, but the man struggling to be an Irish man is trapped in a German man's body, and that man loves beer. But the man that's struggling to be a man who believes he's Irish, forces the man who he is struggling to become to drink Jameson's Whiskey!
And while the man who's struggling to be a man who thinks he's Irish is really English, he gets sick as a dog and since both men are trapped in my body, well need I say it?

Hmm, this morning the English man who's struggling to be an Irish man that's trapped in this German man's body is craving Sushi, uh oh?