Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Am John Galt

My Fellow Citizens,

If you believed as I believed what it means to be an American is to be a self-sufficent, self directed, individual who is the master of your own life then your beliefs are WRONG!

America today is a Country mostly of TAKERS and fewer and fewer PRODUCERS!

If you are a PRODUCER, YOU ARE the SUCKER!

Continue to Play that game if you want to be a SUCKER! Work hard and pay ever increasing TAXES and HIGHER COSTS due to Government Programs and Regulations, but YOU ARE A FOOL!

As Ayn Rand eloquently wrote, "The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a SLAVE!"

I choose NOT to be a SLAVE!
Therefore, I am taking a different PATH now for the rest of my LIFE!

Anyone who has read Ayn Rand knows the meaning and significance of what I'm about to say,


Monday, June 15, 2015

I'm having a serious idenity crisis!

I'm having a serious Identity crisis!
I've come to the realization here in 2015 that I'm really a man, struggling  to be a man, who is  trapped in a man's body!
The man struggling to be a man believes he's Irish, but the man struggling to be an Irish man is trapped in a German man's body, and that man loves beer. But the man that's struggling to be a man who believes he's Irish, forces the man who he is struggling to become to drink Jameson's Whiskey!
And while the man who's struggling to be a man who thinks he's Irish is really English, he gets sick as a dog and since both men are trapped in my body, well need I say it?

Hmm, this morning the English man who's struggling to be an Irish man that's trapped in this German man's body is craving Sushi, uh oh?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Our Rights are bestowed on US by Our Creator

This declaration by Our Founders that Our Rights come from Our Creator (whatever you conceive that to be!) was a big F'U to the King because Kings believed that THEIR   RIGHT to RULE over you came from God, the Divine Right of Kings.

By  declaring this in the Declaration of Independence the Founders claimed then that Our Rights come from Our Creator too, so NO King OR PRESIDENT can deny US Our Rights, since NO EARTHLY MAN GAVE US OUR RIGHTS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Obama does NOT believe this by the way, because OBAMA believes the Constitution is a Flawed Document because it (Not One's Creator) extends Rights to US from the Government!

Therefore we get Obamacare and Obamaphones, etc. etc. etc!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Artistic Free Expression

Any 'artist' NOT willing to defend Pam Gellar, whether you like her tactics or not, does NOT believe in Artistic Free Expression!

'If you will sacrafice your INDIVIDUALISM for the sensitives of some, out of fear, then you are a mindless SLAVE of the forces for the 'Greater Good.'

'Supreme art is a traditional statement of certain heroic and religious truths, passed on from age to age, modified by individual genius, but never abandoned. The revolt of  INDIVIDUALISM came because the tradition had become degraded, or rather because a spurious copy had been accepted in its stead.'
--William Butler Yeats

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Cult of the Green Religion!

Leftists are so blinded by their Cult of the Green Religion of Climate Change until they can't see their own mortal sins they commit against their beloved Green Dogma!

They feel that their Sins against the Environment are absolved because of their Evangelistic Good Works for the Faith!


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Was Lincoln a Good President?

Was Lincoln a good President?
Yes and No.
First, Lincoln was a Constitutionalist, that was good!
He basically believed in States Rights, but he believed more in the Declaration of Independence's assertion that All MEN are created equal. So that was his quandry.

Second, Lincoln never Freed all the Slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation ONLY freed the Slaves in the 'Rebelling States.'
Had he made 'Equal the Black Man' the Northern Farmers would NOT have sent their Sons to fight for the Union, NOT for Lincoln.
Lincoln was an Idealist that I admired, but he was a pragmatist, and a man of his Times as well. So he knew that his only hope for change was in time and in the New Territories!

Third, Lincoln could have PREVENTED the Civil War by NOT provoking the 'Rebelling States' by Posting Troops and then fortifing them at Ft. Sumter.
He could have allowed a 'cooling off period' for the Rebelling States who were exercising their Right of Nullification of the Constitution. And entered into a 'New Arrangement' with the Rebelling States. Instead in his push to Save the Union Lincoln brought on the Civil War.
Too many Lives were lost and too much property destroyed and too much animosity was festered that even today we feel the effects of Lincoln's mistakes!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Veritus -- White Guilt...

White Guilt burdens the white Liberal's Heart.
He believes his race has played its Part
In Still depriving a Freeman's start.
A White Liberal lightens his burdened heart,
Demanding Government do a larger part.
Yet, his guilt grows with each failed start.
Not enough! Screams his guilty heart,
And Still, Guilt burdens the White Liberal's Heart!  

Friday, February 20, 2015

Why Obama is NOT American!

Obama is NOT American  because he doesn't believe in the American Declaration that our INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS are bestowed to US by our Creator (who/whatever that maybe), otherwise simply by the incident of our Birth, and not bestowed to US by a King or Tyrant or Government!

This is what is 'American Expectionalism' and Obama doesn't recognize that!

He believes that Our Constitution is a Charter of 'Negative' Liberties. He says it details what the Government CAN NOT DO TO YOU, NOT WHAT THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD DO ON YOUR BEHALF!

And what Obama doesn't like about our Constitution , that it LIMITS GOVERNMENT, is exactly why he is UNAMERICAN!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Obama's Top Ten List of ISIS Jobs

Obama's new ISIS strategy according to Marie Harf is to give them a job!

Top 10 Jobs Obama can give ISIS:
10) Sewing machines to make those cool face scarves and flags.

9)Those used Orange jumpsuits leftover from closing Qitmo with washing machines to keep them crispy clean for the massacres.

8)Send them GM (Government Motors) trucks with A/C so they can convoy across the Middle East in comfort with chaufeur training classes.

7)New Video Cameras with filmmaking classes to improve their snuff films.

6)Pittsburg steel to make those human flaming cages.

5)Surplus Vietnam ERA flame throwers with leftist battle field video on how brutal our Soldiers were using them!

4)Leather making kits to make those cool knife sheafs they wear across their chest.

3)Blacksmithing tools to make those sharp head severing knives.

2)All the AR15 'assault' rifles he wants to confiscate from US!

1)Missile defense batteries with DVD instructions on how to shoot down DRONES!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Red Rocket Crystal Radio!

It was Christmas 1959. 140 Wentworth St. It started my lifetime love affair with the Radio! I'd connect the ground wire of my Red Rocket Crystal Radio to the metal finger stop of the rotary desk phone in the front bedroom where we kids had beds! This gave me booming signals to tune in with the needle of the Rocket !

At a very young age I realized there was a world out there waiting for me to tune into! Although WTMA blasted in loudly and bleed across the band due to the poor selectivity of the frontend, a glass diode and a ferrous core coil! (There may have been a capacitor resistor that would make sense)

This simple device intrigued me and set my life's course in 3 major ways! First, I became addicted to that ear plug device in my ear pumping in the World all through the night! ( as i write this i have an ear bud in listening to WABC NY replay of this morning's  Imus in the Morning.)

Second, not long afterward I discovered WTMA's Mutual Radio Network overnight TALK! Yes Matthew there was life before FOX news! I learned about politics and every sort of cool stuff!

Third, I just had to know how the thing worked and I can be 100% sure my little Red Rocket Crystal Radio started, for better or worse, my career in Electronics both consumer years and my years as a biomedical electronics  tech and still today!

Thanks Al for sharing! What an early morning trip down memory lane! And since i can't sleep still its back to my pocket android SirrusXM streaming  device!!!!!