Sunday, March 23, 2014

Leftist's Media Defends Obama's Ineptitude!

The Mainstream Media is in full protect Obama mode. Instead of covering Obama's inept reponse to Putin's aggression, they cover the Malaysian plane wall to wall and NOT reporting anything but speculation! The scant coverage the MSM gives Putin vs. Obama they defend Obama's ineptitude by claiming there isn't much Obama can do. Or, they try to defend Obama by comparing his response to George Bush's reaction to Putin invading Georgia. But they NEVER tell US that Bush sent FORCE which STOPPED Putin! The former President of Georgia:  "One thing should be known. In Georgia in 2008 after the reaction was quite late, Putin was stopped at the entrance of our capital by a huge unit who showed, but the international community outcry. George Bush sent four fleets. The initial planes were put on alert prepared for no fly zone over Georgia and that's what stopped Putin....."

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Obama the Do Nothing Foreign Relations President!

What's wrong with this picture?

1) Obama comes into office as Pro Westerner Freedom Lover's stage an uprising against the Mullahs in Iran.  Obama ignores them and allows the Mullahs to crush them. Obama does NOTHING.

2) Obama leaves Iraq and doesn't fight to leave a single American troop! Iraq unravels as AlQueada takes control. Obama does NOTHING!

3) Obama will leave Afghanistan at the end of 2014, the Taliban is set to take it back over. Obama does NOTHING!

4) Obama is insisting that  Israel return to 1967 borders and to allow Palestinians to claim Jerusalem as their Capital. And the Palestinians continue to reign down rockets. Obama does NOTHING.

5) Obama leads from behind in Libya allowing that Country to fall to AlQueada. Then AlQueada takes over. Obama does NOTHING.

6) Egyptian uprisings and Obama allows the Muslim Brotherhood to torment the people until they revolt again. And then does Obama does NOTHING!.

7) Four Americans, including our Ambassador, are massacred in Benghazi Libya and a year and a half later NO ONE is punished! Obama does NOTHING!

8) Obama sets his infamous 'Red Line' in Syria on chemical weapons use, then does NOTHING. Instead hiding behind Putin to broker a deal for Syria to depose of their chemical weapons. To date they haven't and doesn't look like Assad is planning to. Obama does NOTHING.

9) Obama has eased sanctions on Iran to the point they claim to now be able have a nuclear weapon in 6 months. Obama does NOTHING!

10) Freedom Lovers in Ukraine lead a revolt against their pro Putin President. Obama does NOTHING to help them. Then Obama warns Putin NOT to intervene in Ukraine and when Putin takes Cimea Obama does NOTHING! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Ok, after years of observing and studying our President Barrack Obama I've come to the conclusion that OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

Here's how I've come to this conclusion:
We know that Obama's Father was a Communist in Kenya, FACT. We know his Mother and her Parents were avid Communists, FACT. We know that Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's adolescent mentor, was a Communist, FACT. We know that Obama once belonged to the New Party a Communist aligned group, FACT. We know that some of Obama's closest friends and advisors as adults are Communists those include the Weatherman Terrorist Bill Ayers and wife Bernadette Dorn, David Axelrod, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, FACT. We know that Obama aligns his policies with hard Socialist ideology, OBSERVATION. We know Obama tends to be lenient on hardline Muslim Leaders in Countries who are like Communist Despots, ie. Mulahs and Iran, Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood, Assad and Syria,  OBSERVATION. We know NOW that Obama isn't just living in a 'fantasy world' as the Washington Post proclaims, he is too smart be that naive or stupid, FACT. So when it comes to PUTIN, Obama rolls over for him time and again and looks like Putin's Chump can only mean one thing: OBAMA COMPLIES WITH PUTIN BECAUSE OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Should the Climate Be?

Show me the One who can tell me what the Climate 'Should Be' and I'll show you the FACE OF GOD! Because that's the only One who knows! So Leftists STOP pretending that YOU know!