Friday, October 11, 2013

Obama is a Tyrant

Obama isn't bound by our Constitution. He believes it's a 'charter of negative liberties.' He sees it as his destiny to 'fundamentaly change America.' That fundamental change begins in ignoring the Constitution. He thought with Fast and Furious he could fundamentaly change people's minds about guns, just like a community organizer would do. When the ATF failed him he had the EPA try to declare lead tipped ammo an 'environmental hazzard.'  Next, he tried to corner the ammo market by requiring all federal agencies to buy millions of rounds of ammo. That worked temporarily,  but started a run on gun sales, the exact opposite effect he wanted. Then he pushed Feinstien's Gun Control Bill, which would have outlawed many guns arbitrarily and created a national gun registry which historically has been the step Governments take before confiscation. And lastly he had Hillary Clinton and now John Kerry sign US to the UN's ATT small arms treaty which creates a registry of 'end users' of guns and ultimately bans individuals from owning weapons.  Just like Universal Healthcare has been the Left's wet dream for decades,  the individual gun ban  is too. They have succeeded with the former, they won't stop until they ban YOUR gun. The Constitution be damned!  Thank you! by Joseph Schwarz 10/11/13

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