Thursday, October 10, 2013

Obama is NO Leader

Obama is not a Leader worthy of an American President! He is a Community Organizer, an Alinksyite 'Outside Agitator', a 'Rebel Rouser.' In his press conference this week Obama admitted that he opposed the Republican 'piece meal' approach to funding the Government. (Never mind that is how the Country has been funded most of our history) . The reason he gave was doing so did NOT create enough PAIN that would bring about political pressure to get his enemies (the Republicans) to capitulate. Hence, closing the WWII Memorial to elderly Vets while opening it wide to illegal Imigrants to rally for amnesty, or, and the worst thing a great Leader could do, but effective if you're a great Community Organizer, is disrespect dead Soldiers who gave their life for US by denying their death benefit to their Famlies! Make NO mistake about it, that was a pre-planned strategy. 
Obama is  petulant,  vindictive,  arrogant, charismatic and narcissistic all good qualities of a great Community Organizer perhaps, but NOT for a great American President!  by Joseph Schwarz 10/10/13

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