Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Evil Nationalists?

I had a talk with my 16 year old Granddaughter Syna after I picked her up from school today to take her to the farm to ride her horses....


She doesn't do Facebook or Twitter...her generation does TicToc which has a hell of a lot of more explicit content than either of those others.

As my usual,  I asked what happened in school today...She said her ELA (English Lit) Teacher lectured today about the evils of Nationalism while they watched, ' All Quiet on the Western Front'...

I was quick to make sure that she knew that that is Leftist's  'code speak' (aka propaganda) to disparage anyone who loves their Country! That she understood that Leftists Democrats are open borders,  no Country Globalists,  who believe you must be a 'Citizen of the World' NOT a citizen of  any Country! 

At first I thought she had been indoctrinated, but then we passed a farm house that had an American flag flying on a flagpole and I asked her, does that person love our country to fly a flag? She nodded that she agreed...and I told her that person is an American Nationalist, is it evil that he flies an American Flag?

Or what about all those People who are flying flags from the backs of their pickup trucks (everywhere around here and especially at her Southern rural High School)  are they "Evil Nationalists"?

And just like that she understood that today she was being propagandized by that teacher!

I think she was upset with me for pointing that out, but then I think she was just angry!

There is hope for our newest generation of Freedom Loving Patriots! 

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