Saturday, January 25, 2014

Believe Nothing Obama Says!

Obama is a pathological LIAR. Therefore whatever he tells US in Tuesday Night's State of the Union will probably be a LIE. It just isn't his fault! He can't help it! Having an uncontrollable compulsion to LIE is a sickness! We should feel sorry for him, say a prayer for US, and ignore ANYTHING Obama says!!!

I've concluded that his sickness is the reason his handlers say he MUST use a teleprompter.  Without it he'll say something totally fabricated and untrue that will have to be 'handled' after the fact. I really do feel sorry for him. He lives in a reality in his own mind. And I've seen this behavior and experienced people who have this affliction firsthand!  You MUST be on guard or you'll certainly become a victim of their LIES!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Climate Control is all about 'control'!

Climate Control is all about 'control'! .....anything and everything we do can be said to contribute to our 'carbon footprint' ie. How much do you drive annually? How many cars do you own? Do you have motorized equipment? Does your business maintain it's 'fair share' of a carbon footprint? (Whatever that is depends on who is in power)  Do you have a fireplace? Do you do 'excessive' camping? How many kids do you have? Oh 3 well then  your Family's carbon footprint is just too greedy!

Leftist's Totalitarians like Obama believe their superiority is 'righteous' and that whatever they say is best for US! And in their minds people who resist their 'benevolent rule' is well just greedy, racist, don't believe we are all in this together, anti-social extremists, rugged individualists  who are 'out of the mainstream' and are dangerous!  20Th Century history is replete with millions and millions of dead individuals as proof of  the Left's righteousness!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Global Warming or Global Control?

Ok tell me if I have this right. 40 years ago Jimmy Carter and the Democrats told US that we needed to conserve energy because the world's oil supply was only 25 years from depletion. We turned down the thermostats and put on sweaters in the winter, and in summers, we opened windows instead of running the AC. And all the while those Leftists cried that burning fossil fuels created a layer of pollution that blocked the Sun and was causing the next ice age! But then more and more  oil was discovered. First up in Alaska's North Slope, and against their warnings of environmental disaster the Alaska Pipeline was built! Then offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. And now with 'fracking' we have estimates of 250 years of oil! And all this was done despite the  opposition from Democrats and Leftists! And since the earth warmed instead of cooled, with an increase in the average  temperature of 3/4 of a degree in a decade, these same Leftists started screaming Global Warming will destroy the earth if we don't listen to them and institute a global carbon tax and stop using fossil fuels. They cried the Polar Caps were melting and the sea levels were going to rise and swallow up the coastlines and kill off the Polar Bears! Yet the Polar caps have increased to the point where 'Global Warming' Researchers had to be recused from being  stuck in  the extreme  ice flows in the Antarctic in the Summer! And now these same wackos are telling US all this extreme cold being pulled from the poles by the 'Polar Vortex' and freezing our asses off in caused by Global Warming and we MUST stop using fossil fuels and institute a global carbon tax to reduce the CO2 a 'Greenhouse Gas' use, never mind that we humams breathe out CO2 and that plants and trees breathe in CO2. And in the face of such obvious bullshit logic, Obama signs an Executive Order to 'FORCE' our compliance in the face of total irrational explanations!  America is done!  We are NO longer a Free People Governed by Leaders who value the Founding of America as a Country of Freedom Loving People with Individual Rights, but a Country   of People who are simply herds of disarmed SLAVES! Thanks you Obama Voters! Obama and the Leftists are ALL about CONTROL of you! Keep VOTING Democrat and you will insure your ENSLAVEMENT forever!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thanks Obama Voters!

Well the good news is my Health Insurance WAS Grandfathered in.  The BAD news my monthly premium jumped $110 dollars, 30% in one year! Thanks again all you Obama VOTERS! Thanks for the maternity care and contraceptive benefits I'll be really putting that to good USE!....Suckers!