Friday, November 8, 2013

Single Payer Next?

I know 'Single Payer' is what Leftists like Obama want to do. He is on record saying so, and it's the Left's  ultimate Wet Dream!  That Folks is a TOTAL and COMPLETE Government takeover of HealthCare! I just don't see it yet! Doctors fees will be Dictated by the Govt.  What Doctors and Hospitals can charge or give away,  ie Catholic Charity Hospitals, will ALL be regulated by the Govt. A growing majority of the Country now is opposed to  this partial stealth Govt. takeover of medicine through insurance companies called Obamacare! And that will STOP Obama from doing Single Payer. Besides Democrats would  have to take back the House and frankly I can see them losing the Senate now with these 15 Red State Democrats quaking in their birkenstocks!

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