Monday, July 5, 2021

Tripping through the Folk Music era of my youth....

Watching this Gordon Lightfoot Documentary and tripping through the Folk Music era of my youth, 
I'm watching a talented frail old man talk about his talented vibrant life! And just as the editors cut to scenes of his youth, I'm struck on the one hand how sad this makes me feel,  and on the other hand,  how glad that his audacity (his toxic masculinity) he exhibited in his youth made an indelible MARK on SOCIETY....and our culture is the better for it! 

'If I could read your mind, love
What a tale your thoughts could tell
Just like a paperback novel
The kind the drugstore sells
When you reach the part where the heartaches come
The hero would be me
But heroes often fail
And you won't read that book again
Because the ending's just too hard to take'