Sunday, November 24, 2019

PC is the Left's Religion

Politically Correct, PC, is the Left's Religion! HATE and VIOLENCE is their currency to coerce adherence to their Religion in the Church of the Politically Correct!

And if you aren't an adherent to their Religion with the same fanaticism then you are a HERETIC and deserve to be berated on facebook and on TV shows, and run off Campuses, and chased out of restaurants, and attacked by other fanatics in black hoodies!

And censoring FREE SPEECH and ostracizing us from public places is the Leftist's method of coercing adherence to their RELIGION!

This is the modern day lashing at the stake for non-believers and heretics like you and me!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

On Politics and...

Mona,  congratulations for surviving in the High Tech Age!

Sweetheart, Southern men (and women) habitually use these terms of endearment in common parlance.  How you take that is on you Darling!

And fortunately when you post in a Public Place you lose control over the replies! That crazy Free Speech thing is messy ain't it! (Ordinarily I don't use that Southern slang, but here it felt kin'da natural for the parlance)

My larger point is that ALL interaction between us human beings is the very definition of the term Politics. Politics being the branch of Philosophy wherein that interaction is defined and described and categorized!

The evolution of human existence is centered around our understanding of our place in the world. So there is naturally a Yin and a Yang,  hot and cold, up and down, heavy and light, in and out,  love and hate,  and LEFT and RIGHT!


So take a deep breathe and enjoy the diversity of thought  instead of doing the LEFTIST'S thing trying to CONTROL FREE SPEECH!

Take care Hon!