Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Veritus -- Fanatics, Fanatic!

'There is no greater fanatic against something, than someone who once was a fanatic for that thing!' -- Veritus

Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Election, A Perspective

The Left is trying to understand how Trump beat them. But they fail still to understand the 'Forgotten Man' and what lead them to elect Trump.

But like Progressives (Leftists) they so intensely believe that their World View is superior to the real WORLD that the 'Ordinary Joe or Jane' actually live in, that it renders them incapable of understanding the 'Forgotten Man.'

Who are the 'Forgotten Man'? They are people who shovel horse manure, or push a broom, or serve a table, or swing a hammer, or turn a wrench, or work an assembly line for a living. And these folks mainly deal  with 'pocket book' issues day to day.

The Leftists in the Media tell US these people are ALL ANGRY UNEDUCATED WHITE MEN.

That proclamation in itself reveals that they believe in the Superiority of their Leftist's Worldview. In addition to that, it is also a tactic to dismiss the true concerns of the 'Forgotten Man,' One can liken it to Marie Antoinette's, "Let them eat cake" sentiment!

Other similar tactics Leftists frequently use to dismiss and to silence those who oppose the Superiorly of the Leftist's Worldview is to label such people with pejoratives like RACISTS, XENOPHOBES, HOMOPHOBES, SEXISTS, ISLAMAPHOBES, FACISTS, (did I forget any?) 

But in actuality, and in the REAL WORLD most Americans live in, we interact civilly and respectively with all types of people!

So with that ground work laid, and if you are still with me, let me give you my reasons why Trump was elected:

Just what is it about Trump that has created such discord?

Let's attack it two ways; First, Trump the man, and Second, Trump the Candidate.

But before I begin, and not to overstate the obvious, and putting aside the primaries, afterall there where only TWO CANDIDATES to chose from, albeit, flawed candidates. And this is at the root of dilemma.

With that said, most people on both sides had to choose to overlook major character flaws in preference of their position on the issues: The Economy, Obamacare, Jobs, Terrorism, Immigration just to list the top issues that show up in most polls.

Before I continue, we MUST realize this decision to elect Trump President wasn't done in a vacuum.

Therefore, we MUST accept that most people disliked Obama's Leftist Policies and his total disregard for acknowledging what people on the other side thought about it.  This is evident in the poll that shows 72% of US believe we are on the wrong track!

Leftist's in the Media totally ignored this OBIVIOUS CLUE of American's discontent. Instead they choose to report Obama's Approval rating as Americans acceptance of Obama's radical Policies and his Authoritarian  expansion of Executive Powers.

Obama's 'Modus Operandi' of using Executive Orders and Beaucratic Regulations to Govern instead of compromising and negotiating with his opposition totally alienated many Americans. His Pen and Phone didn't serve him well.

Now most of US, like me, like Obama personally. He is sincere in his beliefs and brought class to the Office. But like most Trump Supporters, I intensely oppose his Worldview, and therefore his Policies. Leftist's label me a RACIST because I oppose Obama Methods and his Policies.

So we found ourselves with a choice between Hillary Clinton, a third term of Obama, and Donald Trump, a TOTAL REPUDIATION of Obama's policies.


Now let’s look at Trump the man: