Sunday, May 24, 2015

Our Rights are bestowed on US by Our Creator

This declaration by Our Founders that Our Rights come from Our Creator (whatever you conceive that to be!) was a big F'U to the King because Kings believed that THEIR   RIGHT to RULE over you came from God, the Divine Right of Kings.

By  declaring this in the Declaration of Independence the Founders claimed then that Our Rights come from Our Creator too, so NO King OR PRESIDENT can deny US Our Rights, since NO EARTHLY MAN GAVE US OUR RIGHTS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Obama does NOT believe this by the way, because OBAMA believes the Constitution is a Flawed Document because it (Not One's Creator) extends Rights to US from the Government!

Therefore we get Obamacare and Obamaphones, etc. etc. etc!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Artistic Free Expression

Any 'artist' NOT willing to defend Pam Gellar, whether you like her tactics or not, does NOT believe in Artistic Free Expression!

'If you will sacrafice your INDIVIDUALISM for the sensitives of some, out of fear, then you are a mindless SLAVE of the forces for the 'Greater Good.'

'Supreme art is a traditional statement of certain heroic and religious truths, passed on from age to age, modified by individual genius, but never abandoned. The revolt of  INDIVIDUALISM came because the tradition had become degraded, or rather because a spurious copy had been accepted in its stead.'
--William Butler Yeats