Friday, February 20, 2015

Why Obama is NOT American!

Obama is NOT American  because he doesn't believe in the American Declaration that our INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS are bestowed to US by our Creator (who/whatever that maybe), otherwise simply by the incident of our Birth, and not bestowed to US by a King or Tyrant or Government!

This is what is 'American Expectionalism' and Obama doesn't recognize that!

He believes that Our Constitution is a Charter of 'Negative' Liberties. He says it details what the Government CAN NOT DO TO YOU, NOT WHAT THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD DO ON YOUR BEHALF!

And what Obama doesn't like about our Constitution , that it LIMITS GOVERNMENT, is exactly why he is UNAMERICAN!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Obama's Top Ten List of ISIS Jobs

Obama's new ISIS strategy according to Marie Harf is to give them a job!

Top 10 Jobs Obama can give ISIS:
10) Sewing machines to make those cool face scarves and flags.

9)Those used Orange jumpsuits leftover from closing Qitmo with washing machines to keep them crispy clean for the massacres.

8)Send them GM (Government Motors) trucks with A/C so they can convoy across the Middle East in comfort with chaufeur training classes.

7)New Video Cameras with filmmaking classes to improve their snuff films.

6)Pittsburg steel to make those human flaming cages.

5)Surplus Vietnam ERA flame throwers with leftist battle field video on how brutal our Soldiers were using them!

4)Leather making kits to make those cool knife sheafs they wear across their chest.

3)Blacksmithing tools to make those sharp head severing knives.

2)All the AR15 'assault' rifles he wants to confiscate from US!

1)Missile defense batteries with DVD instructions on how to shoot down DRONES!