Sunday, December 22, 2013

Wake Up DAMIT!

To ring the alarm and warn you kids that your future is being stolen from under your noses is NOT HATE SPEECH! Even when it's written or spoken in what may sound harsh or even crass. You'd be wise to take note and heed the warnings. The faceless, nameless, unknown to you, politicians are robbing you of your Freedoms and your Economic Liberties! In my lifetime principally one political party has destroyed the work ethic of more and more people, all in the name of 'helping people.' And now there are 90 million people NOT in the work force, more people than ever! 45 million people on food stamps. Nearly half of all Americans taking some form of Government handout! (and that doesn't include social security which is NOT an entitlement it's paid into). These are NOT noble endeavors despite the ravings our President. These programs come at a cost; and I don't  mean just the ever increasing debt you kids will suffer under, which is nearly 17 trillion and counting now. 8 trillion of which is by this President alone, oh no! The greatest cost will come from the lost of human spirit.  The humanity of those people whose spirit is robbed when they become dependents of the State! That lost will be incalculable.  It becomes generational and then you arrive at a point worse than where we are now. Right now we are at the point where one half of US get a net return from the Government and the other half of US pay the BILL! This isn't sustainable. And moreover those people whose dignity and spirit is being robbed by being dependents of the Government will HATE you for it! That's right, for all your 'good intentions' and all that 'we are our brother's keeper' mentality of the Left you will still be HATED and DESPISED for it! WORK is the noble thing. Encouraging work, NOT discouraging work should be the GOAL. There are many ways to do this and none of them are in practice today! So all our yelling and crass speech is simply a wake up call to you! Take an interest in your future and in your Country because they are being robbed from you! And many of you are allowing it happen! WAKE UP DAMIT!

40 million new Criminals?

Here's what really has me frosted: the Country is in an uproar over what a Swampman Millionaire said about Gays, and in 48 hours at least 40 million uninsured American Citizens are going to become CRIMINALS thanks to Obama and his Democrat Party! For the FIRST time in US History we 'FREE' Americans are required by Law and the FORCE of the Federal Government (IRS) to buy a product or service, in this case Health Insurance. This doesn't seem to bother anyone. So I say pass a Federal Mandate that all of US MUST buy a GUN! Tell me the difference!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Obama is a LIAR!

Believe me NOW? Obama is an habitual  LIAR!  The Washington Post confirms it! Be honest you Obama voters and admit you got suckered by this LIAR! And apologize to the rest of US for the damage Obama is doing to US!