Friday, August 31, 2012

America had Her dalliance with Socialism.
He was a charismatic seductive suitor, but he 
left Her bruised, herpes-infected and questioning  
Her very exceptionalism! -- Veritus

Monday, August 27, 2012

Veritus -- There is a Reality that...

There is a Reality that Rational 
Minds can agree that Exists! Right? 
Please tell you Agree? 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rush made the comment that Amercia CAN survive Obama's relection, but he questioned whether America CAN survive with people who would reelect Obama! I have thought about this, and sadly I must agree!

Veritus -- Only an Arrogant...

Only an Arrogant Human Earthling could observe 
the magnificence of the Universe and NOT perceive the 
FORCE of a Supreme Being. -- Veritus 

Veritus -- Libertarians believe...

Libertarians believe that the Individual, 
NOT the Collective, is paramount.
The Collective will KILL the Individual

in order to exist! -- Veritus 

Do you 'Occupy...

Do you 'Occupy Wall Streeter' punks know you can 
do your shit cause the first 'Occupiers' were Our Founding 
Fathers who gave YOU Assholes a Country to Protest in the
first place! Take a bath.... 


How did the 'Cool' VW Bus of my youth 
become the dreaded and despised 'Mini-Van' 
of my old age? Did my Hippie Brethren 'Sellout' 
or am I just too old?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Veritus -- FACTS RACIST ?

I know FACTS are BLACK and WHITE....
I just didn't know that FACTS were RACIST too! --Veritus

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Veritus -- Let a tyrant...Tyrants Beware!

Let a tyrant try to deny a man his freedom, 
and sooner or later, one or the other, 
will be staring at the wrong end of a gun.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Poem -- What Did Dat White Boy Say?

           What Did Dat White Boy Say?
         by Joe Schwarz
         Gay or Straight,
      Words make hate?
         Acts explicate!
         Love vindicates! 
         FREEDOM aggravates!