Monday, July 23, 2012

If you believe a person has worth

...then you have to believe there is only one fundamental inalienable right from which all other rights are derived:

     ‘A person’s right to his own life.’

It follows then that you have to believe in individual property rights, which are essential to supporting and maintaining one’s life. And to insure this, you have to believe that an individual has a right to protect and defend his life and property, including the use of deadly force, if necessary.

Therefore you logically cannot support:

Political ideologies and parties that call for laws giving the state power to confiscate or render worthless a person’s land or property without just compensation. (i.e. environ-mental extremism, the Green Party, socialism, communism, modern-day liberalism, UN‘s Agenda 21)

Laws that prohibit one’s right to self-defense. (i.e. banning guns, efforts to abolish the 2nd Amendment)

Confiscatory tax laws that rob an individual of the ability to provide ...then you have to believe there is only one fundamental inalienable right from which all other rights are derived: 

     ‘A person’s right to his own life.’

It follows then that you have to believe in individual property rights, which are essential to supporting and maintaining one’s life. And to insure this, you have to believe that an individual has a right to protect and defend his life and property, including the use of deadly force, if necessary.

Therefore you logically cannot support:

Political ideologies and parties that call for laws giving the state power to confiscate or render worthless a person’s land or property without just compensation. (i.e. environ-mental extremism, the Green Party, socialism, communism, modern-day liberalism, UN‘s Agenda 21)

Laws that prohibit one’s right to self-defense. (i.e. banning guns, efforts to abolish the 2nd Amendment)

Confiscatory tax laws that rob an individual of the ability to provide

My Political Philosophy exposed!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Built It!

Joker Shoots up Theater!

See if I've got this right: A crazy psycho dressed like the Joker storms into a theater premiering a Batman movie and shoots up the place killing innocent, unarmed people. And the enraged Leftists appeal to sane gun owning people like me is: I should give up MY gun used to defend myself, and my family, from a homicidal psycho using a gun who is hell bent on killing ME as the ONLY way to STOP a psycho like this one from using a GUN to KILL?....Yea well, check back with me on THAT one! I'm NOT too sure which one is more psycho! - Veritus