Friday, November 9, 2012

The USA, Socialism's Abused Lover!

America is the abused Lover of Socialism. 
He was a charismatic seductive Suitor,
who repeatedly bruised Her economy, 
and tortured Her spirit to be Free.
Given the opportunity to flee,
She when back to Her Socialist abuser.
God have Mercy on Her soul!  --Veritus

The USA is Lost!

When the Takers out number the Producers, 
and the Takers seize the Powers of Government, 
the Producers become their Slaves!   -- Veritus

Friday, October 5, 2012

Capitalism is the Light!

In August of 2008 after it became apparent that Barrack Obama, a Socialist radical, was about to become President, Capitalists, in order to preserve their wealth and survive, hoarded their fortunes and headed for the hills. The result was a collapse of the banking/financial sectors which plunged the Country into darkness. Prosperity won't return until Obama and his Socialists are long gone! Capitalism is the light!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Veritus -- Be a pawn...

Be a pawn, if a pawn is what you are
to be. But be your OWN PAWN!
NOT just a King's pawn. -- Veritus  

Friday, August 31, 2012

America had Her dalliance with Socialism.
He was a charismatic seductive suitor, but he 
left Her bruised, herpes-infected and questioning  
Her very exceptionalism! -- Veritus

Monday, August 27, 2012

Veritus -- There is a Reality that...

There is a Reality that Rational 
Minds can agree that Exists! Right? 
Please tell you Agree? 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rush made the comment that Amercia CAN survive Obama's relection, but he questioned whether America CAN survive with people who would reelect Obama! I have thought about this, and sadly I must agree!

Veritus -- Only an Arrogant...

Only an Arrogant Human Earthling could observe 
the magnificence of the Universe and NOT perceive the 
FORCE of a Supreme Being. -- Veritus 

Veritus -- Libertarians believe...

Libertarians believe that the Individual, 
NOT the Collective, is paramount.
The Collective will KILL the Individual

in order to exist! -- Veritus 

Do you 'Occupy...

Do you 'Occupy Wall Streeter' punks know you can 
do your shit cause the first 'Occupiers' were Our Founding 
Fathers who gave YOU Assholes a Country to Protest in the
first place! Take a bath.... 


How did the 'Cool' VW Bus of my youth 
become the dreaded and despised 'Mini-Van' 
of my old age? Did my Hippie Brethren 'Sellout' 
or am I just too old?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Veritus -- FACTS RACIST ?

I know FACTS are BLACK and WHITE....
I just didn't know that FACTS were RACIST too! --Veritus

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Veritus -- Let a tyrant...Tyrants Beware!

Let a tyrant try to deny a man his freedom, 
and sooner or later, one or the other, 
will be staring at the wrong end of a gun.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Poem -- What Did Dat White Boy Say?

           What Did Dat White Boy Say?
         by Joe Schwarz
         Gay or Straight,
      Words make hate?
         Acts explicate!
         Love vindicates! 
         FREEDOM aggravates! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

If you believe a person has worth

...then you have to believe there is only one fundamental inalienable right from which all other rights are derived:

     ‘A person’s right to his own life.’

It follows then that you have to believe in individual property rights, which are essential to supporting and maintaining one’s life. And to insure this, you have to believe that an individual has a right to protect and defend his life and property, including the use of deadly force, if necessary.

Therefore you logically cannot support:

Political ideologies and parties that call for laws giving the state power to confiscate or render worthless a person’s land or property without just compensation. (i.e. environ-mental extremism, the Green Party, socialism, communism, modern-day liberalism, UN‘s Agenda 21)

Laws that prohibit one’s right to self-defense. (i.e. banning guns, efforts to abolish the 2nd Amendment)

Confiscatory tax laws that rob an individual of the ability to provide ...then you have to believe there is only one fundamental inalienable right from which all other rights are derived: 

     ‘A person’s right to his own life.’

It follows then that you have to believe in individual property rights, which are essential to supporting and maintaining one’s life. And to insure this, you have to believe that an individual has a right to protect and defend his life and property, including the use of deadly force, if necessary.

Therefore you logically cannot support:

Political ideologies and parties that call for laws giving the state power to confiscate or render worthless a person’s land or property without just compensation. (i.e. environ-mental extremism, the Green Party, socialism, communism, modern-day liberalism, UN‘s Agenda 21)

Laws that prohibit one’s right to self-defense. (i.e. banning guns, efforts to abolish the 2nd Amendment)

Confiscatory tax laws that rob an individual of the ability to provide

My Political Philosophy exposed!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Built It!

Joker Shoots up Theater!

See if I've got this right: A crazy psycho dressed like the Joker storms into a theater premiering a Batman movie and shoots up the place killing innocent, unarmed people. And the enraged Leftists appeal to sane gun owning people like me is: I should give up MY gun used to defend myself, and my family, from a homicidal psycho using a gun who is hell bent on killing ME as the ONLY way to STOP a psycho like this one from using a GUN to KILL?....Yea well, check back with me on THAT one! I'm NOT too sure which one is more psycho! - Veritus

Sunday, May 13, 2012

There is a "sickness" of Socialism infecting the Country....

There is a "sickness" of Socialism infecting the Country....It's early symptoms are laziness and lethargy  resulting in a manifest disdain for WORK! Complications include an end-stage of dependency and resentment for those Producer's who Provide for the  sickness of "Socialistitis." VB  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Contradictions of the Leftist Liberals

1) Leftists Oppose Death Penalty even for heinous murderers, but ok with sucking out the brain of a 9 month old baby in the birth canal!

2) Leftists oppose Voter ID laws that preserve the integrity of Our elections, yet they are fine with Subtitle C-11 Section 2521 of Obama Care that requires you to get an RF ID chip in order to receive Obama Care!

More to Follow: