Monday, July 18, 2011

Ms. Lee, It was the GOP led by Abe Lincoln that FREED the Black man....

Miss Lee, It was the GOP led by Abe Lincoln that FREED the Black man, and through the 13th and 14th Amendments they assured Blacks full Citizenship Rights..Fought all along the way by DEMOCRATS..Obama, was able to RUN for President thanks to the Republicans!!!

Republicans are about preserving Our REPUBLIC...Making it solvent and strong, by LIMITING the SIZE and SCOPE of the Federal Government!!!...Therefore,​ allowing the STATES to be in control!!!!
Obama is a Socialist Democrat....He believes that the Federal Government should be Paramount in OUR daily lives...That he and others like him should RULE you from Washington, DC. That THEY know best what is GOOD for you....If YOU believe that, then Obama is YOUR RULER...If YOU believe that YOU are the 'RULER' of your own destiny, then Obama is NOT your RULER...So Choose!!!